🤖 How to install on Android with Chrome?
Open BetFury in a Chrome browser.
Click on the “More” icon to open the dropdown menu.
Press “Install App” or "Add to Homescreen" and confirm it.
🍎 How to install on iOS with Chrome?
Open BetFury in a Chrome browser.
Tap the "Install” icon on the right edge of the Google Chrome address bar.
Select "Add to Home Screen" in the dropdown menu.
Move the icon to any convenient place.
🍎 How to install on iOS with Safari?
Open BetFury in a Safari browser.
Tap the "Share” icon on the bottom bar of the Safari.
Select "Add to Home Screen" in the dropdown menu.
Move the new application icon to any convenient place.
🔎 Which browsers is the app available in?
The application can be downloaded in such browsers as Google Chrome and Safari.
🪟 How to install on Windows with Chrome?
Open BetFury in a Chrome browser.
Click the "Install” icon on the right edge of the Google Chrome address bar.
Agree to install the application on your home screen.
🍏 How to install on MacOS with Chrome?
Open BetFury in a Chrome browser.
Click the "Install” icon on the right edge of the Google Chrome address bar.
Agree to install the application on your home screen.
🍏 How to install on MacOS with Safari?
Click the "Share” icon on the right edge of the Safari browser.
Select "Add to Dock" in the dropdown menu.
How to install if registered via crypto wallet?
Add an email in the account settings and create a password.
Relogin to the website via email and download the application.